
Department for External Economic and International Relations of the Moscow Government
Adr: 125032, Moscow, Tverskaya Str., 13
Tel: +7 (495) 633 68 66
Fax: +7 (495) 633 68 65

Sergei Cheryomin – Moscow Government Minister and the Head of the Department for external economic and international relations of Moscow.

About The Department

The Government of Moscow heads the system of executive authorities of Moscow including sectoral and functional bodies of the executive power, exercising executive and administrative functions in particular sectors and domains of city management, as well as territorial bodies of the executive power administrating locally, i.e. prefectures of administrative divisions and district councils.

The Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow acts as the body of the executive power which centralizes the city's relationships with foreign partners. The field of action covers all domains connected with foreign investors' activity in Moscow, from the initial search of a suitable business platform, supporting the project and protecting the investors' lawful interests and rights up to legalizing the legal acts of the Government of Moscow.
The Department performs the following functions: